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What our clients say about us
After over 140,000 building inspections you would think that someone would have something nice to say about us…
July 11, 2024
Keenan was absolutely terrific - will be asking directly for him whenever I need an inspection done!
March 26, 2024
It was a great report and gave me a lot of knowledge on what to look for in a property
December 8, 2023
Alfredo, Many thanks for your help with the inspection, and for the report. I will notify the developer with the areas identified that needs attention. I have been very satisfied with the service Tyrrells has provided.
October 10, 2023
I've just read through the report. A well-constructed and succinct report and as a layman, it makes sense to me. A factual and detailed account of where things are at, there are items within it I just did not appreciate the extent of until reading it. Thank you. I am very grateful for the details and the service Andrew has provided, his pleasant approach was a breath of fresh air. Should I have any questions after digesting further I will reach out to Andrew directly. For now, I remain optimistic that we will find a new builder and way through this unfortunate situation we find ourselves in.
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